sebenarnya belum tahu pasti kenapa ini di sebut stylish
mungkin karna aslinya mau tahu apa aslinya admin blog ini ya..
whateverlahaccepting this award, i am asked to do the following:
1. thank and link to the person who awarded me this award.
2. share 8 things about myself.
3. pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.
4. contact those blogger and tell them about their awards.
Oke...let's talk 8 things about my self, especially what I love n like:
1. I love something colorful
2. I love raw food
3. I like smiling people n luv some of them
4. I love to read
5. I love to write poems and diary book
6. I love romance in first sight love
7. I love to have a vacation on the beach n up hill
8. I love to learn something new..
ini diperuntukkan buat:
1. Senja Di Batas Cakrawala, Widi
2. Myworldwords, kak Dian
3. Non Inge's box
4. Uneg-uneg Bang Noor Hasan
5. Lily,MD
6. Mywinny, winny
7. enjoy your life, chika rei
8.Lia lovaa, Lia
makasih awardnya, tar di ciduk ya...
BalasHapusoh ya...aku introduce u in my first url wp account..kunjungin ya...
BalasHapusmiss tomatoooo ~~ miss yaa
BalasHapusSelamat ats blognya...!
BalasHapusaward ini cocok buatmu, blogger stylist dengan puisi2 yg stylist hehehe, btw met merayakan natal ye :)
BalasHapusslamat ya awardnya
BalasHapusyay... aku dapeeeet ^^
BalasHapusaku boyong dulu yah mba' ^^
makasiiiii :-*
makasih yahhh mba :D
BalasHapusinsyaALlah nanti dipajang^^
wow,,,, mantap...,, keren,,
BalasHapusMakasiii mb.Seiry sayang, duh senengnya ini award pertamaku di wordpress
BalasHapusSelamat utk awardnya ya...
BalasHapusSemoga tetap semangat ngeblog. ^_^
Yups... blog yg colorfull ini benar2 mencirikan sang pemilik yg sangat suka aneka warna ya..? ^_^
BalasHapusDuh maaf ya Bu saya terlupa kalau Bu dokter kasih award ini ke saya, Nanti saya coba pajang deh...tapi tetep ga janji kapan pastinya ya..:)