Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Here's the Award! from REZKA

Here's the Award! from REZKA
sebenarnya belum tahu pasti kenapa ini di sebut stylish

mungkin karna aslinya mau tahu apa aslinya admin blog ini ya..
accepting this award, i am asked to do the following:
1. thank and link to the person who awarded me this award.
2. share 8 things about myself.
3. pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.
4. contact those blogger and tell them about their awards.

Oke...let's talk 8 things about my self, especially what I love n like:
1. I love something colorful
2. I love raw food
3. I like smiling people n luv some of them
4. I love to read
5. I love to write poems and diary book
6. I love romance in first sight love
7. I love to have a vacation on the beach n up hill
8. I love to learn something new..

pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.
ini diperuntukkan buat:
1.  Senja Di Batas Cakrawala, Widi
2. Myworldwords, kak Dian
3. Non Inge's box
4.  Uneg-uneg  Bang Noor Hasan
5. Lily,MD
6. Mywinny, winny
7. enjoy your life, chika rei
8.Lia lovaa, Lia

13 komentar:

  1. makasih awardnya, tar di ciduk ya...

  2. oh ya...aku introduce u in my first url wp account..kunjungin ya...

  3. award ini cocok buatmu, blogger stylist dengan puisi2 yg stylist hehehe, btw met merayakan natal ye :)

  4. yay... aku dapeeeet ^^
    aku boyong dulu yah mba' ^^
    makasiiiii :-*

  5. makasih yahhh mba :D
    insyaALlah nanti dipajang^^

  6. Makasiii mb.Seiry sayang, duh senengnya ini award pertamaku di wordpress

  7. Selamat utk awardnya ya...
    Semoga tetap semangat ngeblog. ^_^

  8. Yups... blog yg colorfull ini benar2 mencirikan sang pemilik yg sangat suka aneka warna ya..? ^_^

  9. Duh maaf ya Bu saya terlupa kalau Bu dokter kasih award ini ke saya, Nanti saya coba pajang deh...tapi tetep ga janji kapan pastinya ya..:)


do not leave before say anything, please

follow me and i follow you, but don't forget to leave some coments at my post..